Cathy Camp Massage Therapist
Therapeutic Massage Therapist, Licensed & Insured
From your Massage Therapist...

Cathy Camp , C.M.T.

Certified Massage Practitioner, Member CAMTC, ABMP

People go where they are invited and will return where they are treated well.

I am passionate about massage and bodywork because I have seen the benefits first hand and get great joy from seeing people improve their health.

I got involved in massage therapy 33 years ago when I was struggling with migraine headaches.  Through massage, I found relief and a new career!  Over the years I have witnessed for myself the benefits of massage and bodywork and have gained knowledge that has helped me reach more clients in ways I never dreamed possible. 

With my husband and 3 sons, I enjoy the hobby of riding quads in the sand dunes for many years and that has evolved into the newest phase of side by sides and faster dune machines. surprisesmiley That alone has brought on a few new aches and pains for me to heal!  Luckily I have a great sense of humor and I am able to laugh through the bruises and learn that ice and moist heat work well out there as well as in my office.  All of my personal experiences have helped me have better knowledge and a real compassion for each client and how to treat you on a more individual basis.


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